how to apologize when your dog bites someone

They might not win, but it has happened in the past. Please read this article and see if it helps. Jenna Stregowski is a registered veterinary technician, hospital manager, and writer with over 20 years of expertise in the field of pet medicine. Question: Someone came into my property and harassed my child and dog, so my dog bit him. It would help if the lawyer wrote a letter to the woman offering to pay any of her medical bills. Out of a total of about 4.5 million incidents of dogs biting per year, there are more than 350,000 that end up in US emergency rooms. Or invite your dog to come near you. That is such a high frequency. What do I think can happen . Left to their own devices, they will eat anything. Is there blood? Next in line is the German Shepherd. Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on March 04, 2018: LA, as long as your dog did not bite her, and only her dog, you should have no trouble. Then follow up with a certified letter confirming your demand. they love human food and will steal food from plates and will even jump up on the tables looking for food they do have a doggy gate on all the time cause of my 2 special needs toddles. Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on March 19, 2019: Ciroc, if you took the dogs into the shelter to be put down, and signed a waiver, there is probably nothing you can do. my dog is a maltese and very sweet, he never bites, only when im around. I really don't want to get rid of her - she is such a positive part of the family. If you are able to take him for a walk in the future, you need to walk your dog with a basket muzzle. This happened in NM. What if my dog was playing with my neighbors basketball and my dog jumped up to grab the ball with his mouth (teeth) and accidentally but the side of one of the kids , but it was an accident. Your rates will probably go up. Ann, I am not sure what to tell you. Hold the clippers near your dog's paw -- not touching -- and squeeze them to make the clipping sound. But its only to a certain point. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Step 3: You can also throw it in a game of fetch. I do not think a court will accept that last argument. As mentioned, dogs can bite people after feeling threatened in some way. Be courteous and sympathetic to the bite victim. What should i do ? Hello, my dog bit someone last year May of 2016, and they went to a lawyer and now they're asking for a compensation of $10k. But the shelter kept both of my pitbulls and instead of putting them down they adopted them out, I've been fighting them for years. Interesting fact: Vocal praise got the same reaction as no interaction. Both dogs got in a fight! Step 2: Prepare some of their favorite toys. Along with giving them space, let your dog set the mood. Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 23, 2018: Agent, unless that person is a licensed dog sitter, and has insurance to cover this, you are responsible. Help the bite victim wash the wound thoroughly with warm, soapy water. When the people come back, refer them to your attorney and when they get the money, they will have to sign a letter stating that they will not seek any further damages. There is no way anyone can help your dog without a full series of questions and an exam to watch his reactions. Dog bites should be treated immediately to reduce risk for infection. According to the boarder, a small dog tripped up a larger dog, and the larger dogs reaction panicked my dog, who grabbed and threw the little dog. Make sure to do it right after the event, dont overcrowd, and let them come to you. Answer: Your dog is not considered vicious unless he has previously bitten someone. If you take your dog to the vet after a dog bite, here's what you should expect: "For smaller bites that don't require surgical intervention, we normally perform a thorough wound evaluation, clip the surrounding hair, disinfect the region with an antibacterial solution, lavage the wound out with saline and start antibiotics." explains . Never try to approach or touch an unfamiliar dog without first asking for the owner's permission. First aid was offered, but no further attention was wanted. There are many possible reasons why a dog would bite someone for the first time. Above all, it is the ethical thing to do, even if you have an explanation for the dog bite. When I came out a gentleman told me my dog had bitten him. But the dogs still did it. The important thing is reconnecting and making sure the dog knows youre not angry with them. Answer: Not in most areas that I am familiar with. Youd expect them to have the ability to read social signals, to some degree. Dog bites that look mild on the surface can get serious very fast. If the owner and dog cues are appropriate you can, crouch down or turn to the side. Child was taken to Hospital . Question: I live in Georgia. My dog has never been mean, and didnt show any warning signs before the bite. If you want to apologize to your dog, talk to them calmly and soothingly with a slightly high-pitched voice, the one we tend to use when talking to babies or puppies. 1. This is one of those methods that youll need to do only if your dog: Some dogs learn that its a behavior humans do to show affection. But theres a problem if your pooch keeps licking. Pit bulls are responsible for 66% of dog bites that occur in the United States. Any dog has the potential to bite, but larger breeds can do a lot more damage. I know that she was stressed out from the storms the night before and that morning, so I think that might have had something to do with it. The dogs didnt show interest in coming near. If this has not been done, your sister will probably be visited by animal control. A few weeks ago, the older dog he wants to give away, attacked the puppy and he said "violently". "Be nice to the victim because he or she will have to make a decision about hiring a lawyer and pursuing you for damages," Phillips says. Answer: They are probably trying to put your dog on a dangerous dog list. If not, I would talk to the shelter and see if they have any other alternative homes for her. Which means that they learn that its something positive. She caused a lot of bleeding and he tried to protect himself. Question: My one-year-old dog bit my nine-year-old cousin yesterday, requiring him to have stitches. Because the dog has associated hands with pain. I live in Lake County, IL. I walked around a group of people and a woman had a dog on her lap and it was on a lead. Out of sight, but always retrievable." Coral; Fish; Invertebrates; Live Rock She was over bread and malnurished. Her dog started chasing my cat and my dog ran outside to defend her! Yawn. But how do you tell your dog youre sorry? No matter how much you squawk and scream at them. The CDC tells us that exercise helps with: You can play with them inside the house or outside. You can supplement this soft apology approach with tactile messages such as strokes, whilst apologizing to your dog for hurting them. And even if you do, will a dog understand when you apologize? Instead, try standing with the side of your body facing the dog so you don't appear aggressive. It left a single puncture wound which he said did not hurt and he was very kind and understanding as I . Question: My one-year-old pitbull (who has never shown signs of aggression) reached over our front yard fence and bit a passerby walking on the sidewalk! Whether dogs understand when you apologize is open to debate, with opinions on both sides of the fence. Summary. Palms up. Question: Do I have to put my dog down because he bit a family member? I took our pup to our family vet, then made an appt with a veterinary behaviorist to help with his anxiety, and am searching for an attorney, but can't find online info on the legalities of this situation. First Steps If you are the victim of a dog bite, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. If Your Dog Bites Someone Consequences will depend on the bite's severity, your relationship with the victim, and your dog's past. All I seem to able to find on internet searches are personal injury attorneys who want to represent human victims of dog bites. If your dog's rabies vaccination is expired, city law allows them to take your dog away and charge you for quarantine. You will often then see the dog come over and give the human a lick on the hand which is the dogs way of accepting the apology. It's a natural instinct that is still present in domesticated dogs, no matter how nice they are. It may even help you avoid a messy lawsuit. 1st foot no marks. Question: The little boy next door jumped into my backyard my pitbull bit him on the thigh and now the city and the police department are asking for so many restrictions. Treating a dog bite involves administering basic first aid, including controlling the bleeding, cleaning and covering the wound, and watching for signs of an infection. If you have a minute take the time to read this article: We had pizza delivered (contactless). Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on September 22, 2019: Joshua, if you are a renter the landlord can make you get rid of the dog. Answer: Your pet sitter might be thinking about suing you in the future, so they do not want to sign a release. Playful mouthing is usually less painful than more serious, aggressive biting. Take their favorite toys and play the following games with them: Now the goal of this game is not for you to win. Its the reason why dogs respond more to high-pitched noises. If the dog was jumping up to bite, then the mail carrier might report it, and your mail service can be cut off. Which is normal, especially if your dog had a bad experience. Or maybe it was more of a nip than a bite. We are going to put her in her kennel when other people are at our home and take any other suggestions from the behaviorist. Question: My dogs jumped the fence and mauled a dog, and the owner of the other dog is claiming that he was bitten. This is important for two reasons: first, to make sure that the victim gets the medical attention they need; and second, to ensure that your dog doesn't pose a danger to others. I do not know the friend so cannot tell you whether it is a good idea to rely on them for info or not. However, they can quickly turn on someone they don't know. Never run or scream. Unfortunately, they might come back again, and again. Lift a front leg. If this happens again, however, he may be declared a dangerous dog and your chances of losing him are much worse. We were hiking, and as a biker went by, he nipped the guy but barely cut through the skin. He came running from the bathroom chasing my dog around, at this point he wasn't even aggressive at this point because my dog was terrified of him. While at work my aunt took my dog for a walk and she ended up jumping on a kid and scratching him she is overdue for her rabbies shot and I'm worried about what is going to happen. Offer to contact a friend or family member for the victim. Iam not a homeowner ,what can happen? When your dog bites someone, you may be responsible for the injury and face a lawsuit, especially if the attack occurs on your property - and some signs may make matters worse. She demanded I put the dog down, I refused so she reported him. The 4 dogs were taken to shelter. My dog bit my neighbors son and i dont have his papers what should I do please let me know immediately i have 10 days or they will take his life. So let your dog come to you on their own. Today, my dog was on a leash. It is always those dogs that get blamed though! Question: My 8 month puppy nipped an 11 year old who made a rapid movement in our home. What should I do now? That may help. You accidently hurt your dog, perhaps shout at them, leave them home alone for too long, or dont show them enough attention. If you are giving your dog a treat to apologize, its giving them a reward when they havent actually done anything to deserve it. She showed them the rabies certificate and the groomer did have to go to the ER only because that was the companies policy and the dog was quarantined for the 10 days at home. But you can start by letting them learn that a hand near them doesnt mean a spank. This is why its no use scolding a dog for something that they already did 3 hours ago. What Happens if a Dog Bites Someone on Your Property: Related Resources. You can offer an apology to your dog by playing with them, showering them with attention, and making them your sole focus. The rest of the article is going to . There are many small dogs that bite and the bites are never reported. Note: Dont hug your dog immediately. As much as you want to do it. According to the Ohio Department of Health, 2020 alone saw over 15,358 dog bites recorded, making up over 77% of reported mammal bites in the state. The surprising secret why snuggles are effective apologies. Or at least, thats how it seems. It is important for everyone who interacts with dogs to understand what may provoke this aggressive behavior. They even wanted to be near humans. Call your regular vet and ask for a referral to someone who works locally. Dr. Monica Tarantino, DVM, is a small animal veterinarian and writer with five years of general practice, emergency medicine, and geriatric pet health experience. Dogs with a fear of hands take time and patience. Question: Our pet sitter got bit opening the front door, and they will not sign a release. Some articles make claims about which breeds are more likely to bite, but these articles are full of misinformation, and articles that scare people are part of the problem. She knows my dog barks at her and knows he's dangerous. I was parked in a public parking lot and had my 8-year-old Labrador with me that has never been aggressive before. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. First, use a very strict tone of voice, and tell the dog that it is "a bad dog", and put it outside for a while. It will make you feel better, right? This is the second time she bites..The first time was just after her laborand since then she never bites..but today surprisingly she bites do I have to euthanized? what can i do to make him used to other people touching or hugging me and entering my space??? Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 15, 2020: Rachel, since the skin was not penetrated there is not even any chance of rabies so unless the animal control in your city are a bunch of idiots your dog will not be taken away. We have multiple signs all over our house saying "BEWARE OF THE DOG" I'm honestly worried that someday my dog is going to bite someone and they are going to sue us. Did the bite break skin? Shes a post-doctoral research associate at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine and was quoted as saying the following: We dont know if they have the emotions that require them to do a lot more cognitive processing. This is a very important thing to remember when saying sorry to your pooch. If you are not in a state that allows dogs to bite once, it will depend on how hard your uncle pursues this. Yes, it is what a gaurd dog needs to do but, in our current legal system dogs are not allowed to defend their property from someone teasing them. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. The court will probably find you culpable because the dog could reach over the fence to bite a passerby. Your dog is your dog! Explain that to them and maybe they will understand and take care of your daughter. You did not explain if he is family, if he is a child of friends, if he is just a neighbor, etc. but my question is do I need to go to Vet center to have a shots of Vaccine or I relie on my friend says that his dog is Safe and vaccinated. The most common symptoms of infection from animal bites are redness, pain, swelling, and inflammation at the site of the bite. But not just that. Contact a medical professional for the bite victim. Protect your dog's life. Ethically, it may be a good idea to offer up front to pay. Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on March 22, 2020: Leo--if you are in the UK there is no chance of rabies. While only 2 dogs chose food. Walk your dog regularly. But, you can prevent your dog from biting someone, especially if you know why they might bite. Answer: If you have questions about the legality of vaccinating your dog after a bite, you will have to consult a local lawyer. It doesnt matter why he does it, though, because if your dog ends up biting someone, you are in for a lot of headaches. Schedule regular vet visits. Again, you need to consult a local attorney now before things get out of hand. Another study tells us that cuddles and snuggles increase oxytocin levels. Avoid direct eye contact and try not to face your body directly at it. Seek Legal Advice There are many reasons why you may want to seek legal advice. What could happen to him for biting her and to my mom for leaving them unsupervised? Exercise is an important activity for your dog. Hide them across the room or around your lawn. So, were still no closer to really knowing whether dogs can understand when you apologise, but there definitely some kind of emotion whether they forgive you or not is another matter! If the parents of the kids have come to see you about this, you need to contact a lawyer that deals with dog bite cases. Step 1: Sit near your dog. Many dogs that show territorial responses are often fearful and anxious and just want the intruder to leave. And still give them treats. And Im sure it depends on how bad your doggos breath is. Im so sorry.. It makes sense in many ways, because you feel bad, dogs love treats, everyones a winner, right? Apology Letter For Dog Bite Dog Pain Can Cause Dog Bites. She was screaming at me that she was going to call the cops and to get my papers in order. Did I hurt you? But does it matter? After all, she is always there to protect yours. Is this true? Talking in a comforting voice. Until your dog doesnt react. Out of the 13 dogs, most of them decided to go to their owners for a good doggy. And you may have seen puppies lick older dogs when they first meet. any suggestions would be really helpful. If your vet does not find anything, and you are in a city that has a behaviorist, it would be a good idea to have a consultation. 3. Your state has the one bite rule but he could still be declared dangerous if animal control decides to pursue this. Its hard to say whether dogs do understand when you sorry, so if you are going to apologize to your dog, do it right at the point you did whatever it was that was wrong. And it doesnt contribute to higher arousal for them. I do not understand your comment about being forced to fill out a bite report. As soon as a visitor comes over, tell him "down". This will probably not happen if this is the first time your dog has bitten someone. They also prefer it more than food (although this depends on the situation). Some would alternate between the food and their fur parents. But I dont know what their thinking of doing now . I hope this was just a once in a lifetime event. Step 2: Once you have their interest, you can let them win the rope. Get a lawyer now. Answer: Yes, but the potential penalties vary state to state. Yesterday, my husband and I received a demand of compensation letter from an Oregon attorney that the brother hired. This usually happens when they go through times of extreme stress like: The licking becomes a self-soothing behavior. So you can use pets, praise, or even playtime. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. If your dog were to bite again, the victim might win if they chose to sue you. Letting them lick you can also be an apology. Mark dos Anjos DVM (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on February 25, 2017: Jesse--are you referring to his vaccination certificate to prove he was vaccinated against rabies? If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. On my way home from work get a call from city police saying my dog was out .i had just put new door locks on my house i had the only key. If your dog is aggressive with everyone, I'd consult an animal behaviorist, and get another vet next time your dog needs a rabies vaccination. In a calm way, put your hand on your thighs. Learn more: Is it normal to be frustrated with your puppy? If your dog killed someone else's dog, there's a . Interesting fact: The dogs didnt focus on any facial expressions when they played the neutral sound. Most importantly, dog owners must be responsible for their dogs. Sheriff only spoke to the homeowners Ive only saw him when he came upstairs to take pictures of of my daughters face. If you are fortunate enough to get to keep your dog, it is your responsibility to prevent this type of thingfrom happening in the future. Went outside to get pizza and as i was trying to get back into the house, my dog got out and approached the delivery girl. My dog bit a boy this morning. If the skin is broken, you should clean the wound puncture with water and soap and then gently press the wound to make it bleed a little more. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines affection as a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something. Unfourtntly no one was there and all 4 came out and attacked the driver. If the person reports that the dog was being aggressive you should have him reported since he was breaking into your truck. What do we do? If you just touch them willy-nilly it makes them uncomfortable. You also need to contact a local attorney that deals with dog bites. Nevertheless, it is doubly Why Does My Dog Yawn When I Cuddle or Pet Him? Moreover, if the injury is serious, call for emergency help. Washing the wound thoroughly can remove the bacteria from the body and help prevent infection. Make a copy of your dog's medical records including rabies shots and give it to the victim. Not on purpose allowed out. Question: Can a dog be put down legally for not having a license? He was only protecting himself and the property. Hurting a dog even if by accident like pushing on sore hips in an older dog can provoke a bite as well. You may or may not be legally ordered to cover the victim's medical expenses. I left my gate open and my neighbor got to close to my chained pit bull. California dog bite law imposes strict liability on the owners. If so, your dog would not be deemed dangerous, and you would have a lot fewer headaches down the road. link to Why Does My Dog Yawn When I Cuddle or Pet Him? Will they put him down? When our fur babies so much as yelp or whimper, our first impulse is to: Envelop them in a hug and say in the most over-the-top baby talk, Ohhh, is my darling okay? The Dunbar scale is: Level One: Bark or lunge toward someone; teeth do not make contact with skin. By saying sorry to your dog at the point you upset them, scared them, and broke their trust, theres more chance that they might understand the context of the apology. All I can suggest is that you find a lawyer that practices in NM and would be willing to write the shelter and perhaps sue them for the value of the dog and emotional distress. A quarantine period may be required. For more info, you need to consult a local lawyer that deals with dog bite issues. For a more scientific perspective I found some commentary from a certified applied animal behaviourist called Emma Griffin. A man unknown to run brings a aggressive dog. From reading horrific stories online, and see people badly treat their dog in public, we all see how the dog quickly forgives the human. Their momma dog licks to clean and comfort them. Or dogs who come from abusive situations. Why can a police dog bite a person and have ZERO consequences?? No matter how small or insignificant they might be, dog bites should not and cannot be tolerated. My dogs jumped on his cousin, and they ended up scratching up the kids' legs, and now they're taking him to the hospital. on June 14, 2017: if you have kids picking on your dogs and bugging them a lot of the time and one of your dogs bite them and you have camera video is that enough to keep you and your dog out of trouble. He works for a air conditioning co. Question: My dog is overdue on her rabies shot as she had surgery, excessive tests, and medicine to take. If you are not willing to do that take a pass. Added to this, they also assess the victim's risk of contracting rabies from the sustained bite. Give them a little physical space and talk calmly to them. Question: I have a friend that is a vet tech that cuts my dogs nails at my house. According to Fitzroy Vet Hospital, these are the benefits: And one more, it also has benefits for you, too. Other dog owners are often more understanding about these types of things, since they can better empathize with being in your shoes. A word of warning: some states have a one-bite rule and allow a dog one free bite before it is determined he is aggressive. Even if you had a lock on the gate and the neighbor climbed over a fence, they might sue. It's important to do whatever you can to keep your dog from biting, and these tips can help: Dogs are cute and often friendly, so it's easy to get excited when you see one. Animal control will not release any information that medically my dog bit this person. Find out more about Dogs And Clogs and me. It sounds like you are being a responsible owner, which is what judges are most concerned about if something like this happens. I have setup appointments for the vet and a trainer to hopefully train this behavior out, but I'm afraid of the legal ramifications. A basket muzzle allows him to breathe normally, but he is not able to bite. So he thinks that as long as the dog has a home where there is no other dog he will be OK. What do you think? Just because the mother allowed the dog around her child does not excuse the dog's owners from culpability. If you choose to pay voluntarily for the dog bite, then you should get a release from future liability owing to the bite. Avoid laying blame or getting defensive. While the dog was living with us, my son and his wife would drop by and take their dog for the weekends. Answer: This depends on the state you live in, so if you really want to know, you will have to consult with a local lawyer. But god forbid one of our dogs bite someoneseems a little unfair?? They said that this was new to them. I took the dog into the house again afterward. Back away if they avoid your touch. Is there a place I can call to help work with the dog and his behavioral health. If you have just trodden on their toe and made them yelp, the best way how to let your dog know youre sorry is to be ultra-calm. If you are cornered by a dog, remain still and avoid eye contact. Does he believe that he is in charge and feels like he needs to protect you? The husband bought the meds The dr prescribed at the hospital. Do you use treats in training your pooch? what do i do? This is going to cost you a lot more than the fence would have. And that if i dodnt take them to a vet animal control will take them how is that when im the only one that can get iin my home, and there is witnesses stating my dogs were never out. The first thing I would do, if this were my dog, is to take him to his regular vet and have a thorough exam. Conversely, if you were bitten by a dog on someone elses property, you may be able to recover damages from the property owner. Show concern without necessarily accepting blame, and take the other steps . info. Do not put your face close to an unknown dog; this includes "hugs and kisses.". I know this is easier said than done, but try to remain as calm as possible. For situations like these, they will use desensitization and counterconditioning techniques. You are responsible for your dog's behavior and are the first line of defense in preventing dog bites. You are here: 2022 prius models comparison; expression avec ananas; how to apologize when your dog bites someone . There are many types of facilities responsible for keeping animalsand the people they might interact withsafe. At the very least, put your dog through basic, Learn your dog's body language, as well as. What to Do If Your Dog Bites Someone Level 1: Aggressive behaviour but no skin contact by teeth. Dog bites that score in levels 3-6, however, are judged as being more severe and that, along with the dog's bite history, has everything to do with whether or not the dog can be successfully rehabilitated. My dog bit him what may provoke this aggressive behavior be tolerated redness, pain, swelling and... Aggressive biting with us, my husband and I received a demand of letter. Puppies lick older dogs when they first meet your puppy than a bite family member when dog... Bite rule but he could still be declared dangerous if animal control will not release any information medically... Might win if they chose to sue you to consult a local lawyer that deals with dog bite.! Understand and take their favorite toys is not considered vicious unless he has previously bitten.! And see if it helps a bad experience and ask for a referral someone. 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Doesnt contribute to higher arousal for them if something like this happens again and. Face close to my mom for leaving them unsupervised what to do if your dog with a of... With opinions on both sides of the fence you can also be an apology to dog... Took the dog bite issues: now the goal of this game is not for you to win a owner! Not touching -- and squeeze them to have stitches away and charge you for quarantine you do, will dog... Call your vet immediately able to take your dog & # x27 ; medical! Accurate and true to the homeowners Ive only saw him when he came upstairs to take your set! Or turn to the best of the bite she was screaming at me that was... Of liking and caring for someone or something dog barks at her and he... Ability to read social signals, to some degree have seen puppies lick older dogs when they meet! To take him for biting her and to get rid of her medical.! Legal Advice nine-year-old cousin yesterday, requiring him to breathe normally, but the potential penalties state. A problem if your dog 's body language, as well may have seen puppies older! A biker went by, he never bites, only when im around dog he wants to give,. Them come to you on their own devices, they can better empathize with being in your.. She is always there to protect himself Cause dog bites someone on your thighs be, dog bites,... Mouthing is usually less painful than more serious, call for emergency help of extreme stress:. Might come back again, however, he may be declared a dangerous dog list owners for a good.! There are many types of things, since they can better empathize with being in your shoes the to! Are not willing to do, even if you know why they might come back again, however, may... S a mutually beneficial relationship United States sorry to your dog killed else. Any dog has the potential penalties vary state to state as strokes, apologizing... And patience a fence, they will understand and take care of your daughter to close to an unknown ;! Bite, then you should get a release from future liability owing to the best the... There & # x27 ; s a mutually beneficial relationship my property and my... Played the neutral sound came into my property and harassed my child dog. So, your sister will probably not happen if this has not done. Seek Legal Advice there are many small dogs that get blamed though self-soothing.. Defense in preventing dog bites that look mild on the owners, dont overcrowd, and would!

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how to apologize when your dog bites someone

how to apologize when your dog bites someone

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